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Kentucky TOOLS Companion Handbook: 2nd Edition

Kentucky TOOLS Companion Handbook: 2nd Edition

Available 155
Quick Overview:
This handbook is the companion guide to Kentucky’s online operator training program; it is the “go-to” reference for those seeking to become UST combined Class A/B Operators in Kentucky ...

$75.00 - Kentucky TOOLS Companion Handbook - Non-Member Rate

$50.00 - Kentucky TOOLS Companion Handbook - Member Rate

Edition: 2
The Kentucky TOOLS Reference Handbook 2nd Edition This handbook is the companion guide to Kentucky’s online operator training program; it is the “go-to” reference for those seeking to become UST combined Class A/B Operators in Kentucky. The Kentucky Tank Operator Online Learning System (KY TOOLS) is a free online training program for Underground Storage Tank (UST) operators offered by the Kentucky Division of Waste Management’s UST Branch. The TOOLS program educates Kentucky’s UST operators on the state’s UST system regulations and it is the source of training required to become a combined Class A/B Operator and fulfill the Operator Training requirement. This handbook serves as the “open book” resource for required quizzes at the end of each TOOLS lesson. Because you must obtain a score of 80% or higher to pass each lesson (and because you must pass all of the lessons to be a trained combined Class A/B Operator), this book is a valuable resource supplement to the TOOLS program. Jointly published by the Kentucky UST Branch and Kentucky Petroleum Marketers Association.
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